Coloourful Weekend
Though the title may sound like some primary school composition title...but least it is a moment that should be remembered nonetheless.
Anyway...the first shades of red...literally...were added to my otherwise mundane week on friday whilst I met a couple of NIE friends for movie and dinner at Vivo. After watching The Dark Knight..of which I have to admit was pretty well filmed with some solid acting from the cast that actually made certain members of the audience squirm in their friend hit upon this crazy idea of purchasing vodka whilst waiting for the rest for dinner. Though I do not exactly abhor alcohol...but I pretty much guessed what was awaiting me and my fears were expectantly confirmed at the cashier counter.
The female cashier..who in fact may even be of the same age as me...took one suspicious glance at me and demanded to check my IC despite the long queue of patrons waiting impatiently behind us. I attempted to "smoke" my way through but was greeted with a stony glare instead...I had no choice but to comply and never was I more inclined to find a deeper hole to bury my head in. To add salt to my predictament...the cashier did not even take a second look at my friend...much less demended her IC. I am so going to be reminded of this for life. Coupled with the "little" accident that had me stained with raspberry vodka and the aftermath of my drink...guess I never looked red-der. The refreshing sea breeze and scenic view of the port kept me sober and yet it brought about a certain bout of nostalgia as I remembered the times I had spent my vacation onboard those Star Cruises liners. Cool sea breeze...a good friend to chat to boot...sometimes these are the little enjoyments in life one can ever seek solace in.
Saturday was spent with my family as we went ahead with our initial plans to have durians by the roadside along Sims road. Green was the order of the day...thus to satiate our innate cravings for the thorny treasure of a fruit...we hit upon the idea a week ago and made it a point to do so despite our "busy" schedules. "Mao shan Wang" truly lived up to its name...with its aromatic flesh almost melting in my mouth...I dare say it's one of the best durains I had ever tasted.
I celebrated my army friend's birthday on Sunday. We had lunch at Pizza Hut before indulging in a K-box session at Suntec. Blue was perhaps the colour that best describe my mood...the lack of sleep due to the my durian rendevous and the realization of how bad a singer I was in the company of so many "pros" may have probably contributed to it....
Anyway...the imminent end to the holidays are nearing ever closer...back to the life of a stressful academic calender...just hope that things would look brighter and more optimistic