Sunday, July 22, 2007

Megaboi & His Pre-school jitters


New faces.New surroundings.

I have not added any new entries for quite a while and to be honest...having to pick off from where I left off is proving to be a challenge.

Whenever thoughts of the impending day creeps into my mind...I get quite a fair share of anxiety pangs. Sometimes I really do wonder....What am I afraid of ??
The challenge of having to pick up my books and studying or the thought of me dealing with an unknown quantity ?
I guess perhaps I am somewhat slow in adapting to a new surrounding...often needing much time before being able to sufficiently integrating into a foreign environment.I feel that I am one who is constantly governed by routines and rules...I seem to be more at ease dealing with the familiar than the obscure. Perhaps I am indeed resistive to change.
Picturing myself stubbornly clunging onto the old and refusing the new....a sudden flashback of a childhood memory jolted my mind.

I was in pre-school and it was the first day of me being in kindergarten. Being the spoilt brat that I was...I refused to alight from my dad's car and rejected any attempts put forth to coax me into school building. Perhaps I had feared the new surroundings or the unknown creatures called " teachers"...yet whatever the case was...I remembered rather vividly clunging onto the seat's headrest...lips pouting...eyes welling with tears...standing firmly over my stance.

Though I did eventually caved in...maybe it was the alluring temptations of the sweets dangled before me or the can of coke promised to me...of which I could never recall...yet it just goes to show how much of a resistant to change nature I had since young. However retrospectively speaking...I was a child then and succumb to change only through the carrot dangling before me....yet almost two decades later and supposedly wiser...would I not have learnt my lesson in embracing change instead of fearing it ?

Change cannot be accepted instantly.The unknown cannot be comprehended overnight.

Hopefully time will serve to ease my anxieties.

PS :

Anyway...the time spent with my army pals in the chalet was indeed great fun. I am really grateful to the guys for organizing it and especially for yh for egging me on throughout the night cycling trip...for without him....guess I would never have completed it. I am also grateful to the guys for introducing to me the wonders of tennis....of which I think I am gradually loving it. Maybe my first step towards to a change would be to get a racket.....just maybe.....
