Saturday, August 12, 2006

The journey so far...

Growing up

Back when we were little kids,
cradled in the arms of a woman we loved was all we yearn;
a Mother's love as it is.
Life was plain simple and sweet.

As we grew into the shoes of a teenager,
popularity and cliques were the roving obsessions in our heads;
peer acceptance was its name.
A tricky yet exciting path we knew we had to take.

Matured and developed as a working adult,
stable careers and a family of our own were desires that dwelled deep in our hearts;
personal ambitions as I would say.
Complications and bitterness lay ahead on this long arduous journey.

Many years from now when we bend over with a walking stick,
to make peace with God was our sole remaining wish;
enlightenment was what I believed in.
A revolution has passed, life was back being plain simple and sweet.


Ties that bind we once had;
daggers that thirst we now possess.
Friends were what we were proclaimed to be;
foes are what we are declared upon.

Then, smiles were fixated upon us;
now, scowls are worn as a daily fix.
Laughter used to unite us;
sneers now divide us.

You have to wonder what causes the change;
to burn the bridge between two bosom friends.
Delve deeper into one's conscience;
and realize it stems simply from each selfish gains.

Thoughts of an RP

Give me wings; and I shall soar above the skies.

Give me heart; and I shall imbue passion into all my cause.

Give me wisdom; and I shall break barriers only with intelligence.

Give me hope; and I shall rejoice come the day I walk a free man.

It has been quite a while ever since I had contributed an entry...time constraints and fear of infringing certain laws that forbade the use of provocative language and discussion of sensitive issues were all mere excuses...

Anyway...based purely on my own informal observations, it would appear that quite a few fellow NSFs have been bitten by the nostalgic bug. Blog entries and conversations are usually peppered with memories and remniscence of experiences in NS. Perhaps it is to will the individual remind oneself of the imminent arrival of the day one is finally welcomed into the comforting arms of freedom.

However, despite all the sentimental feelings felt about one's stint in the service, I guess I would have to admit that the time spent had indeed changed many...some deriving much positives whilst some took the turn for the worst. Conflicts of interest are naturally abound...sometimes pitting friends against each other...yet naive as I may sound....I just hope that peace and harmony may prevail.