Sunday, March 18, 2007

Magical March

On 2nd March 2007, I passed my Traffic Police (TP) test.
On 9th March 2007, I reclaimed my IC.
On 10th March 2007, I officially ORD and became an NSmen.
On 11th March 2007, I relived moments of the 2nd anniversary of my enlistment date as well as the end of the camp at Greenridge Secondary I was involved in as a facilitator.
On 15th March 2007, I celebrated my Mom's birthday.
On 16th March 2007, I was glad my brother chose to pursue his dreams and participated in the Campus Superstar auditions.(Though he was knocked out in the first round...haha)

My Magical March kick started with me passing my TP on my 2nd try. Though I have to admit it was due to me receiving a huge slice of luck, nonetheless I was pretty relieved when the tester stared at me for a seemingly infinite amount of time before allowing himself a wry smile and remarked rather nonchalantly, " ok passed. " My mind froze. I recounted how I hit the curb early in the test when I attempted to negotiate the crank course, thinking all is lost and the sheer disappointment awaiting me at the end of the test. However, if there was a lesson I learnt from my first attempt, it was not to let one setback affect my concentration. I knew I had to stay positive. I may sound rather preachy here, but truth be told, it worked. I remember praying silently for the remainder of the test, hoping for a miracle. Thankfully, a miracle was what I got.

After that intense anticipation and over zealous eagerness, I was somewhat disappointed when I finally held onto the much coveted pink IC of mine. Though there were occasional roars of " ORD lor!", yet there were no fanfare or previously thought of "stunts" pulled to commemorate this day. I know those stunts were mere figments of our fantasy, thought of to pass the times whilst on duty, yet these memories never fail to light up my day.

Anyway, that very weekend was spent "facilitating" a group of Sec 1 kids in a leadership camp. Though the situation was rather chaotic and the crowd unruly at the beginning, I believe some form of rapport gradually built between us. There were moments I reared my ugly side, when I actually blew my top and lashed at the students yet there were also very memorable ones, such as how they tried to console me despite "pang sehing"(abandoning) me during the cheers. I really have to admit it was a wonderful experience, being able to interact and understand first hand what the feeling is like handling a classroom of kids. Though the entire camp lasted only 2 1/2 days, yet I sensed a change in some of them. The previously introverted few began to speak up whilst the more outgoing ones took a step further by daring to perform on stage.I believe my team did eventually warmed up to me and I see this as the start of a career of character moulding. The satisfaction gained justified my future profession.

For the record, my younger did indeed took part in this year's edition of Campus Superstar. I only knew about it a day before the audition whilst celebrating my Mother's birthday. Unfortunately ( or fortunately for the matter), he was eliminated in the first round as the judges claimed he sung too softly. I am just hoping he does not appear on TV under the "Rejects" section or be known as "Careless Whispers 2". Much as I applaud his courage and willingness to pursue his dreams, I disapproved his tendency to do the right things at the wrong time. Perhaps it is the teacher in me speaking, but he will be taking his O-levels at the end of the year, yet he seemed easily distracted with such events. I just hope another miracle will appear.

With the end of my NS, a chapter of my life has closed.
With the start of my civilian life, a new one has begun.


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